Instagram – August 27th, 2018

When ‘wildlife poaching’ comes to mind, many people think of a group of poachers tracking animals with high-powered rifles in hand. Whilst rifles and high-calibre rounds are certainly a part of the poaching crisis, it’s not the only side of the story. Although there is a large focus by the media on the ivory trade, particularly through the poaching of elephants and rhinos, there is another silent, more pervasive killer – snares.

Forever grateful to teams like those below that dedicate their lives to removing harmful snare wire and doing their bit to protect Africa’s wildlife. Thank you!! 🙏🏼 🌍
#Repost @blackbeanproductions with @get_repost
Snares removed and collected by the @singitagrumetifund – in the Serengeti wilderness area that is in their care. Snares are so dangerous for all wildlife. This is a huge issue in Africa, killing thousands of animals each year. We are so grateful for teams like this that really make a difference, saving wildlife that may otherwise have been harmed.

Photo by @sachaspex #serengeti #african #snares #antipoaching #conservation