Instagram – Jun 12, 2022 @ 15:55

The countdown to World Female Ranger Day is underway! Celebrated on the 23rd June, which also marks the start of Female Ranger Week, the movement was created by women, for women who support women. Over the years, they have identified 4500 female rangers in 18 African countries and continue to support and help them develop in their roles. Now that is definitely worth celebrating! ⁣

Posted @withregram • @worldfemalerangerweek It’s evident why the female ranger movement is picking up such momentum. Women are proving to be highly successful at easing local tension and strengthening relationships within communities, as well as their patrolling skills. However, there is still a significant gender imbalance in environmental conservation, with just 11% of the global ranger workforce being female. ​​​​​​​​
Through World Female Ranger Week, we have identified over 4500 female rangers in 18 African countries and 5500 female rangers worldwide. We are collating gender-specific data about female rangers to identify their specific needs, find tangible solutions and help build effective policies toward positive outcomes for female rangers and conservation. ​​​​​​​​
📸 @brentstirton

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