Instagram – November 18th, 2019

There’s always space in our hearts (and our timeline!) for incredible conservation achievements like this. Congratulations to @africanparksnetwork for all your hard work and efforts in making this relocation happen 🦏❤️ #Repost @africanparksnetwork with @get_repost
We are pleased to report that the entire Malawi rhino move has been completed! This involved the 17 rhinos who arrived from South Africa to @liwonde_national_park in Malawi on Tuesday in collaboration with @wwfsouthafrica, DNPW and Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife; the movement of two rhinos from Liwonde to @majetewildlifereserve; and finally one rhino from Majete to Liwonde. This game of checkers is actually an exercise in establishing a very healthy, genetically robust population of rhinos within Malawi. African Parks has been managing Majete since 2003 and Liwonde since 2015 in partnership with the Malawian Government. Together we have secured these parks, practically eliminated poaching, increased tourism and both parks are significantly benefiting the local communities who live around them. This week has been significant for black rhinos – where fewer than 5,500 remain in the wild. The translocation was made possible with the support of Stichting Natura Africae, Vale Logistics and Save the Rhino International. In addition, WWF Belgium, The Wyss Foundation, and the @peoplespostcodelottery have also provided significant multi-year support for the ongoing management of these parks, and to whom we are very grateful.

Scroll through the images, taken by @kyledenobrega to see one of our rangers caring for an anesthetised rhino being moved from Liwonde to Majete; The Malawian Minister of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining, Bintony Kutsaila and head of DNPW Brighton Kumchedwa who came to see the rhinos in Liwonde; another anesthetised rhino; and one of the 17 released in Liwonde.
Click the link in our bio to read more about this project. @conservation_solutions
