Save The Date! April 20, 2017 Annual Event Honoring Black Mamba APU

Empowers Africa is proud to announce that we will be honoring the Black Mamba Anti-Poaching Unit – Africa’s first and only majority female anti-poaching team – at this year’s annual gala event on April 20, 2017 at The Explorers Club in New York City. The evening will focus on the inspiring women who work tirelessly to protect South Africa’s rhinos and defend them from an increasingly sophisticated poaching threat. Our guests of honor are Black Mamba field rangers, Leitah Mkhebela and Belinda Mzimba, as well as the founder of the Black Mamba APU and Head Warden of the Balule Nature Reserve, Craig Spencer. The Black Mambas have been singular in their efforts to challenge the continued poaching crisis as well as gender norms. We greatly look forward to highlighting their important work at this year’s event.
We are also thrilled that Town & Country Magazine has agreed to be our media sponsor for this event. A cocktail reception will begin at 6:30PM followed by a seated dinner at 8:00PM. The evening will feature live and silent auctions to phenomenal safari destinations. Click here to learn more about how to purchase tickets!
Photo Credit: Black Bean Productions