Training Black Rhino Trackers at Majete in Malawi

From the article: In April, 2013, Renias and I were invited to train a group of black rhino monitors and game scouts at the Majete Wildlife Reserve in southern Malawi. The reserve, which was proclaimed in 1955, is situated in the Lower Shire Valley which constitutes the southern section of the Great Rift Valley. The park covers an area of some 700 km² and has a great diversity of vegetation ranging from moist miombo woodland in the western hills to dry savannah in the east, with prominent thickets along the riverbanks. To date more than 2,500 animals of 12 different species have been reintroduced to Majete, most notably elephant, lion, leopard and black rhino. Renias and I stayed at the Thawale tented camp which is set among tall marula trees overlooking a small plain with a waterhole. Every afternoon a herd of the rare Kirk’s sable would come down for a drink in front of the camp. Click to read the rest of the article …