Mikoko na Jamii, 1 Million Tree Campaign

The Mikoko na Jamii, 1 Million Trees Campaign is a community-led mangrove restoration campaign launched in July 2023. The project aims to plant 1.6 million mangrove trees every year along the Kenyan coast to support locally led mangrove ecosystems restoration and conservation programs with impact on restoration of community livelihoods and nature based solutions.

A collective effort of local communities, environmental organisations, and government agencies drives the 1 Million Tree campaign. It seeks to address the mangrove loss crisis by empowering communities to take ownership of their coastal resources and actively participate in restoration efforts.

The campaign’s strategy involves raising awareness about the importance of mangroves, providing training and resources to community members, and establishing nurseries for mangrove propagation. The goal is to plant a diverse range of mangrove species, ensuring the long-term health and resilience of the ecosystem.

Beyond environmental benefits, the 1 Million Tree campaign is also expected to generate economic opportunities for coastal communities. Mangrove forests support sustainable livelihoods through fishing, aquaculture, and ecotourism. By restoring these ecosystems, communities can enhance their economic resilience and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

The success of the 1 Million Tree campaign hinges on the active participation and collaboration of all stakeholders. By working together, communities, organisations, and government agencies can revitalise Kenya’s mangrove forests and safeguard the well-being of coastal ecosystems for generations to come.

Find out more at ceriops.org

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Ceriops Campaigns

Mikoko na Jamii Project

Community led mangrove restoration & conservation for climate change mitigation.

Mangroves play a crucial role in coastal ecosystems, providing vital habitats for marine life, protecting shorelines from erosion, and buffering against storm surges. Unfortunately, these vital forests have been rapidly declining due to human activities such as deforestation, aquaculture, and pollution.

General Donations

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Checks should be made out to “Empowers Africa” and should be mailed to:

Empowers Africa
2 Beekman Place, Ste. 18B
New York, NY 10022
(917) 328-1611

Kindly note in the memo section of the check that funds are for Ceriops. Or email us at info@empowersafrica.org.

For wire transfer details or more information, please email us at info@empowersafrica.org.

Empowers Africa has been approved as a U.S. public charity, contributions to which are tax deductible for U.S. federal income tax purposes under Section 501(c)(3) [EIN: 32-0403737] of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.

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