Singita’s 100-year purpose is to preserve and protect large areas of African wilderness for future generations.

The brand’s ethos of touching the earth lightly is underpinned by its sustainable conservation model that helps to balance tourism with conservation – which is imperative for the survival of the land, wildlife and communities under its care.

Hunting and rampant poaching across Africa over the years has wiped out local wildlife populations and in turn plunged surrounding communities into poverty. Singita’s far-sighted work in South Africa alongside the Singita Lowveld Trust supports access to quality education, including holistic early childhood education, digital learning and scholarships. It also includes enterprise development to help communities create alternative sources of income, as well as environmental awareness initiatives to ensure the success of conservation efforts.

Find out more at

Empowers Africa has partnered with Singita in order to provide a cost-effective solution to fundraising in the United States by acting as their fiscal sponsor. Any donations made here will be granted to the Singita Lowveld Trust, which works in partnership with Singita.

Empowers Africa uses Stripe to process credit card donations. Stripe has very stringent security rules which may lead to declined credit card transactions. If you are experiencing trouble processing your donation, kindly contact Nadia Derelieva at (917) 328-1611 or via email:

Donate to Singita Lowveld Trust

Travel Beyond guests support the Singita Lowveld Trust

Travel Beyond guests have the opportunity to directly support the important work of the Singita Lowveld Trust.

As Singita’s non-profit conservation and community development partner in South Africa, the Singita Lowveld Trust (SLT) is committed to safeguarding the beautiful wilderness areas and wildlife in the Greater Kruger National Park region, contributing to Singita’s 100-year purpose to preserve and protect large areas of African wilderness for future generations. This vision can only be achieved if we put people at the heart of this vision, building and sustaining meaningful and tangible partnerships with the many neighboring rural communities that live alongside our wilderness areas, while also safeguarding the wilderness areas and wildlife facing increasing pressures.

The Trust works in three key focus areas; namely biodiversity conservation, community partnerships and sustainable living.

Biodiversity projects focus on maintaining healthy, well-functioning ecosystems and habitats in the Greater Kruger National Park (Sabi Sand Wildtuin and Kruger National Park). These ecosystems are the foundation for safeguarding a diverse and abundant range of wildlife and refugia for species of conservation concern, such as our rhinos, leopards, lions, vultures and other large raptors.

Central to our 100-year purpose of safeguarding these wilderness areas and wildlife for future generations is the need to ensure surrounding communities benefit tangibly from living alongside these wilderness areas. We work tirelessly to support ongoing socio-economic improvement through education, professional skills and local rural enterprise development all focused on creating and enhancing livelihood and employment opportunities – to enable these communities to prosper.

All of our programmes support Singita’s core commitment to our One Planet Sustainability commitments – promoting a world in which people enjoy happy, healthy lives within their fair share of the Earth’s resources, while also leaving space for wildlife and wilderness to thrive.

Donations can also be made by check or wire transfer:

Checks should be made out to “Empowers Africa” and should be mailed to:

Empowers Africa
2 Beekman Place, Ste. 18B
New York, NY 10022
(917) 328-1611

Kindly note in the memo section of the check that funds are for Singita and indicate a specific program if applicable. Or email us at

For wire transfer details or more information, please email us at

Empowers Africa has been approved as a U.S. public charity, contributions to which are tax deductible for U.S. federal income tax purposes under Section 501(c)(3) [EIN: 32-0403737] of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.

Thank you for your support!