Stop Ivory
Stop Ivory is an independent non-government organization which aims to protect elephants and stop the ivory trade by implementing an initiative called the Elephant Protection Initiative (EPI). The EPI, with the support of its partners, provides an end-to-end global policy solution to end the ivory trade and the poaching of Africa’s elephants for ivory. In 2010, by way of an unprecedented political consensus, all 38 African Elephant Range States (where elephants naturally exist) agreed to an African Elephant Action Plan that committed them to working together to protect the continent’s elephants and crack down on trafficking, In February 2014, leaders from all four regions of Africa: Botswana, Chad, Gabon, Ethiopia and Tanzania – galvanized a crisis response to implement that plan, launching the EPI. Stop Ivory exists to help combat the elephant poaching in Africa. Their approach is to bring a unified voice amongst African countries and organizations.