Instagram – Dec 11, 2020 @ 08:36

A wonderful reminder this morning of why we do what we do. African Parks currently protect 14.2 million hectares of land across the continent- and we’re just not just talking about the protection of wildlife: it’s the protection of communities, partnerships, entire eco-systems and the future. Thank you

Posted @withregram • @africanparksnetwork African Parks was founded in 2000 to effectively manage Africa’s protected areas. With 19 parks now under management in 11 countries, our footprint has scaled from just 70,000 hectares in 2003 to over 14.2 million today, thanks to our partnerships with every Government we work. By protecting these vital landscapes, we are not only helping safeguard biodiversity but are also building a strong foundation for a healthy planet through preserving essential ecosystem services like clean air and water, food security, and to capture carbon to combat climate change. In securing these natural systems, we are protecting species at their source and are helping to build resilient sustainable livelihoods for thousands of vulnerable communities who depend on these areas. From Odzala’s tropical forest in Central Africa, to @bazaruto_national_park’s seascape in Mozambique, we are giving hope for a healthy future for us all. #africanparks #conservation #communities #ecosystemservices #givinghope

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