Instagram – Jan 11, 2021 @ 15:11

Today we heard the heartbreaking news that 6 incredible young rangers from Virunga National Park lost their lives on Sunday morning in an armed attack. Our deepest thoughts and prayers are with their families.⁣

Posted @withregram • @virunganationalpark It is with immense sadness that Virunga National Park confirms the deaths of 6 Park Rangers in an attack by armed assailants on the morning of Sunday 10th January 2021. 1 other Ranger was seriously wounded in the assault. The Ranger has been evacuated to hospital in Goma and his injuries are no longer considered life-threatening. ⁠

C’est avec une immense tristesse que le Parc National des Virunga confirme la mort de 6 gardes survenue lors d’une attaque armée ce dimanche matin. Un garde fut aussi gravement blessé au cours de l’assaut. Il a entretemps été évacué à Goma et ses blessures n’engagent plus son pronostic vital.⁠

The identities of the Rangers who lost their lives are:⁠

Kamate Mundunaenda Alexis, aged 25 years⁠
Burhani Abdou Surumwe, aged 30 years⁠
Nzabonimpa Ntamakiriro Prince, aged 27 years⁠
Maneno Kataghalirwa Reagan, aged 27 years⁠
Kibanji Bashekere Eric, aged 28 years⁠
Paluku Budoyi Innocent, aged 28 years⁠

Link in bio.⁠

#congo #rangers #changemakers #virunga #rip

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