Instagram – Jul 31, 2021 @ 16:53

“We have seen it firsthand – Rangers with scars from lion attacks, Rangers who’ve lost friends, Rangers who get up everyday and do it all again even though the day before they were almost shot by a poacher. A Ranger that almost lost a leg to a rhino running right over him, but after two years of operations and learning to walk again – he was back out there – working hard as a Ranger protecting those rhino again. There are men and women around the world – our “boots on the ground” – that are working for the benefit of US ALL. Some away from their families for months. Protecting rhino, elephant, chimpanzees, gorillas, pangolin and everything in between. We are so grateful for them.” @jamessuter ⁣

Today, #WorldRangerDay, we celebrate all the rangers of the world, the guardians of our wilderness. Thank you.⁣

Image by @jamessuter & @blackbeanproductions on assignment for @biglifeafrica ⁣

#worldrangerday2021 #rangers #protection #wildlifeconservation #rangers #antipoaching #protectwildlife #savetheplanet #rhino #pangolin #africa #animals #blackbeanproductions #empowersafrica⁣

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