Instagram – July 12th, 2018

Wise words from @singita_ We may not talk about leopard much on this little platform, but that doesn’t mean our attentions shouldn’t be focussed on the plight of the beautiful creatures… #spreadtheword
#Repost @singita_ with @get_repost
Leopards are one of the most adaptable and resilient of the world’s large carnivores, and as a result, it is often assumed that the conservation status of the species is secure. However, like many other species, illegal hunting, habitat loss and the bushmeat trade are having a negative impact on leopard numbers. Research suggests that South Africa’s leopard population is declining at an alarming rate of 8% per annum. –
Photo: Field Guide Nick du Plessis, Singita Sabi Sand

#LeopardConservation #BigCatConservation #Panthera #SabiSand #SingitaSabiSand #Leopard #OurSingita #Singitagram #Singita_ #WildlifeConservation #SustainableTourism
