Instagram – Jun 25, 2021 @ 17:38

On June 23, the first ever World Female Ranger Day was celebrated! 🏽🏿🏻⁣
Currently, less than 11% of the global wildlife ranger workforce is female. This fundraising initiative aims to provide female rangers with the support, tools and facilities they need to do their jobs effectively, alongside men. Gender-specific data about female anti-poaching rangers will be collected to identify their specific needs, find tangible solutions, and build effective policies.⁣
To accompany World Female Ranger Day, the team at @howmanyelephants has created an interactive and fundraising-focused platform, where female rangers can come together to tell their stories, access peer support, offer and receive advice, and share knowledge.⁣
Follow @worldfemalerangerday to find out more.⁣
πŸ“Έ by @worldfemalerangerday ⁣

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