Instagram – March 17th, 2020
We’ve been a little quiet here recently, trying to digest what is happening all over the world and how our friends, colleagues and partners in Africa in particular are struggling with COVID-19. Our thoughts are with everyone who has been affected and we wish everyone strength and good health ❤️
We of course have also been thinking about wildlife and the illegal wildlife trade- very possibly where this all started- and wanted to share this post from the @thewcs It’s a strong message and if there is one silver lining to this dreadful crisis, perhaps it’s a greater awareness of the impact of illegal wildlife trading all over the world?
#Repost @thewcs with @get_repost
In order to prevent future pandemics, our message with @global_wildlife_conservation to policymakers is clear: stop the trade in wild animals. In particular, the highest risk taxa, mammals and birds.
Graphic by @sarmarkes .
#COVID19 #coronavirusoutbreak #coronavirus #wildlifetrade #stopwildlifetrade #closethemarkets #pandemic #mammal #bird #coronaviruses #COVID #COVID_19