Instagram – September 19th, 2018

As poachers in Africa become more sophisticated, so do the methods employed to stop them, including the use of highly-trained dogs. By their nature, canines are excellent hunters with a good sense of smell, are fast on their feet, and in good conditions, could alert rangers to a poacher up to a kilometre away. The perfect addition to an anti-poaching squad in our opinion!

We are therefore delighted to hear that two of Akagera’s super-trained dogs have just given birth to 11 new puppies and the next generation of protection in the park. We’re very much looking forward to watching their progress and seeing what new skills and traits can be employed in the fight against poaching.
#Repost @africanparksnetwork with @get_repost
New counter-poaching puppies in @akagerapark, Rwanda! Two of Akagera’s anti-poaching dogs have given birth to a total of 11 puppies, and are all being well cared for by the head trainer of the canine team. One mother, named Nyumba, was one of two dogs recruited from the local community last year and trained as a tracking dog. Local dogs may have a stronger and natural resistance to canine trypanosome, an often deadly disease transmitted by tsetse flies. Yesterday the @nytimes featured Akagera as a prime safari destination (link in bio). Law enforcement has been critical in achieving this result allowing for key wildlife populations to flourish, and for the historic reintroductions of both lions and rhinos. The K9 anti-poaching unit has formed an integral part to this strategy, and the rangers and their canine counterparts have contributed to this ensuring that poaching is at an all-time low, making it safe for nature’s return. In just eight years, Akagera has become a national treasure, bringing in much-needed revenue for local communities ensuring that both people and wildlife can thrive.
