Instagram – September 7th, 2018

Today we’re looking back on our amazingly successful trip to South Africa this June. As part of the trip our Empowers team spent some time at Somkhanda, a Big Five community reserve, and lent a helping hand in collaring some of the elephants. Collaring allows the team on the ground to keep track of elephant numbers and understand the social integration patterns and behaviour of the herds and how they interact. A fascinating experience!
#Repost @kriegerhemingway with @get_repost
During this June’s Empowers Africa trip to South Africa hosted by Wildlands and Wildlife ACT, we had the unique opportunity of collaring two elephant bulls for conservation purposes. Collaring elephants helps ensure an elephant’s safety from both human wildlife conflict and from poaching. Collaring an animal this large can be extremely tricky but the experienced team made up of Wildlands/WildTrust (@WildlandsSA), Wildlife ACT (@WildlifeACT) and Dr. Mike Toft (@DrMikeToft of Kirafru Wildlife Veternary Services) did a phenomenal job of making sure they were safely collared. The elephants are located @SomkhandaGameReserve – a big 5 community owned reserve operated by Wildands. Thank you to Andrew Venter (@Andrew.Venter), CEO of WILDTRUST, for making our trip such a valuable learning experience! We were also joined by the highly talented @JamesSuter and @Oli_Caldow of @BlackBeanProductions – thank you for taking such great pics and videos of the exceptional conservation work done on this trip! This trip was organized in conjunction with @charity_travel
@EmpowersAfrica @Sam_thegirl @KatherineKrieger @Konrad.Krieger @AishaHaque @MariamCraig @ColinCraig14 @HarrisonCraig20 @MarthaMcGuinness @MaggieMcGinness @HeatherMnuchin
#elephants #elephant #stoppoaching #wildlifeprotection #endextinction #saveanimals #antipoaching #ivory #stopivorytrade #wildlife #africa #charitytravel