Sigagule Nhluvoko Creche, Royal Portfolio Foundation

As part of their visit to South Africa last month, our trustees visited the Sigagule Nhluvoko Creche, supported by the Royal Portfolio Foundation, and located about 10 kilometres away from Royal Malewane Lodge in the Greater Kruger area. Since 2010, the Royal Portfolio Foundation has changed the lives of the children who attend the school. The Foundation has implemented a special teacher-training program, (as well as for several other rural pre-schools in the immediate area), built additional classrooms, a jungle gym and play area, supported a community veggie garden and provided clean water through a borehole and new pipes. Today, there are 130 children at the school, ranging from 6 months to aged 6, and each of them can look forward to a brighter future thanks to the generosity of the Royal Portfolio Foundation!